
I plan to work on (and you can help, too):

  • better docs
  • partially done - example app (Redux and RxR) to demonstrate that it is really easy to rewrite and demonstrate async
  • make combineReducersWithStructure and createMessageStreamsWithStructure (and find shorter names for them) to allow messageStreams and it's reducers to maintain their own separate parts of the state (but is has to work with Immutable out of the box)
  • DevTools
  • patially done logger: now you have loggerStream at least to log into console anything what happens in your app.
  • react router example (and if needed some helpers)
  • recipes (universal app, CRUD, ...)
  • move RxJS to peerDependencies
  • optimize build with webpack2 (to use from RxJS only what is needed and allow externalize RxJS during build)
  • play the idea of blueprinting the app (actions, reducers)

The order may not be accurate and the list is not complete :)